Servings: 4 Total time: 20 mins Difficulty: beginner

The pineapple grilled with honey and vanilla is a typically Polynesian dessert, which we will appreciate for its simplicity and its exotic flavors. In Tahiti, the pineapple king is the Queen pineapple, or Moorea pineapple, but it will be necessary to go there to consume it because it is very little exported. This is also the case for Tahiti vanilla. This dessert, naturally gluten -free , is preparing in a few minutes and offers a beautiful caramelized texture thanks to honey. Light and delicious, it can be enjoyed alone, accompanied by a coconut sorbet ball or a fresh yogurt. So, if you have not yet reserved your tickets, let yourself be transported instantly under the Polynesian sun!

Grilled pineapple with honey and vanilla: a simple and fresh Tahitian dessert. 🇵🇫🍍

Preparation time 10 mins Cooking time 10 mins Total time 20 mins
Difficulty: Beginner Servings: 4




  1. Peel the pineapple, remove the heart and cut it into rings or quarters.

  2. In a bowl, mix honey, vanilla seeds and lime juice.

  3. Brush the pineapple pieces with this mixture.

  4. Heat the coconut oil in a pan.

  5. Grill the pineapple pieces for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until caramelization.

  6. Serve hot, accompanied by coconut sorbet or natural yogurt.

Keywords: grilled pineapple with honey and vanilla, gluten -free Tahitian recipe, easy exotic dessert, traditional polynesian cuisine, caramelized pineapple with honey
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